Monday, May 25, 2009

And.... we're back!

I present for your consideration some tracks (in no particular order) that I have been enjoying lately:

The Thermals - Now We Can See
This track comes from the album of the same name, and I swear it's the best summer record I've yet heard. The Thermals make power pop with a Pacific Northwest flavor, and are responsible for some of the best hooks in the business. Music video here:

Phoenix - 1901
This comes from the new record Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. Phoenix is French electro-rock-pop and they're great. Go ahead and try to listen to this while standing still. I bet you can't do it. The song is here (not a music video):

The Vaselines - Son Of A Gun
Okay, so this isn't new. But Sub Pop just released a new compilation called Enter The Vaselines, and this track is still great. Check it out, and the rest of the Vaselines catalog as well. Recommended if you like Beat Happening, sweaters, or apple pie. Song here:

Bat For Lashes - Glass
Bat For Lashes' record Two Suns has gotten some very positive and well-deserved press from the indie-rock tastemaker that is Pitchfork Media. That aside, this record (and especially this opener) is eerily fantastic and unmissable. Best heard in the dark. Video here:

Akron/Family - Many Ghosts
The new one from Akron/Family is called Set 'em Wild, Set 'em Free, and it's all over the place: sometimes noisy, sometimes eerie, sometimes hooky. This is my favorite track, but the rest of the record is worth hearing as well.

An Horse - Postcards
I was looking for some girl-rock last week, and this track hit the spot like a frosty American lager after yard work. It's fun, and if you're a sucker for a good pop hook like I am, check it out.

There has been some great stuff on in the past few weeks as well. My favorites are Immaculate Machine, Low vs. Diamond, Joe Pug, and Generationals. Check out the aforementioned website and look around.